Service Philosophy
St. Clair Child & Youth Services is a progressive Children’s Mental Health Centre dedicated to helping children, youth and families with coping and adapting to life’s challenges. Our service delivery philosophy incorporates values for the people we serve, as well as the recognition of the rights and responsibilities of each client while participating in any of our services.
Client Rights:
As a client, you have the right to:
Be Heard:
Be listened to and ask questions;
Be an active participant in making decisions about the services you receive, including the right to refuse or discontinue service or support within the limits set by service agreement;
Provide feedback, positive or negative, about your experience receiving services.
Be Respected:
Be treated with respect, courtesy, and dignity by all staff and volunteers at all times;
Feel welcome;
Receive service in a safe and secure environment.
Be Informed:
Receive clear information to help you make decisions in the planning and delivery of your services;
Receive information about services at the Agency and in the community.
Expect Quality:
Receive high-quality services conducted in a professional manner;
Have a positive experience that maintains your confidentiality and privacy.
Client Responsibilities:
As a client, you have the responsibility to:
Be Respectful:
Be respectful of other clients, volunteers, staff members, and Agency property;
Contact the agency when you are unable to keep an appointment.
Participate in Your Care and Services:
Provide accurate and complete information to the Agency so that staff can provide you with the best possible care and services;
Follow the care plan developed in consultation with you to the best of your ability.