Board Governance Resources
Guiding Non-profit Boards to Greater Impact Through Bold Leadership
Board Fundamentals
This session explores the characteristics of high-performing Boards and how to enhance the performance of a Board of Directors. This includes clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the Board, as well as strategies to build your best Board.
Financial Overview
This session will cover fundamental Board financials, allowing Board members to gain a better understanding of their financial stewardship responsibilities and give them a starting point for comprehending key financial data.
Engaging in Advocacy
This session discusses how nonprofit organizations can effectively engage in advocacy work as an organization. It offers support in understanding your role in nonprofit advocacy, identifies risks of not doing advocacy work, and offers suggestions on ways you can prepare your organization to do sustainable policy and advocacy work.
Board & CEO/ED Relationships
This session explores the key factors in creating a productive and collaborative working relationship that supports your organization's goals. We showcase best practices for building effective relationships between the board and executive director/CEO, how to improve communication and decision-making, and strategies for managing conflicts and building trust.