Crisis Services
Crisis Services (non-emergency)
This is a short-term service dedicated to direct referrals for children/youth ages 6-17 years old from Bluewater Health and the SCCYS Intake. The service is a crisis intervention provided in a safe therapeutic environment. The therapist will use a solution-focused approach and will build on the family’s capacities/strengths to ensure the safety of the child/youth. Should further services be required, your clinician will consult with you regarding the various options and facilitate the process.
Please note that access to this service is by referral only. This is not an emergency crisis service. In the case of a crisis situation, children, youth, and their families can access the emergency department at Bluewater Health or contact the 9-1-1/police as appropriate.
Support Resources
Kids Help Phone
1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868
Suicide Crisis Helpline
Call or text 9-8-8
Call 9-1-1
One Stop Talk (free virtual therapy session)
1-855-416-8255 or visit onestoptalk.ca
Hours: Monday-Friday, 12-8 p.m., Saturday 12-4 p.m.