Psychological Assessment
Psychological assessment, diagnosis, and consultation are provided by a Registered Psychologist or Psychometrist (under the supervision of a Registered Psychologist). These assessments/consultations are designed to provide advice or direction with respect to the diagnosis, prognosis, and/or treatment of a child or youth with identified mental health needs. This specialized consultation or assessment may serve as a component of the client’s service plan.
St. Clair Child & Youth Services provides specialized Psychological Assessment and diagnostic services to children and youth ages birth to 18 years of age as well as consultation to allied multi-disciplinary professionals working to assist children, youth, and families. TAPP-C Fire Assessment
TAPP-C Fire Assessment
We provide a comprehensive program for children/youth 4 to 18 years of age who are engaged in fire play and their parents/guardians. The program is provided in conjunction with local fire departments and aims at reducing the risk of further fire behaviour.